Angela Sutherland Johnson
Angela Johnson Sutherland has worked with families for over 40 years. She has been a preschool teacher, speech and motor clinician, playgroup director, child development instructor, home daycare owner, church nursery director, parenting coach and nanny. Most recently she has become a Newborn Care Specialist, Lactation Educator and New Parent Educator. Angela holds a degree in early childhood education and is certified in special education. She has also studied business management/accounting and American Sign Language. Angela hosts a weekly Facebook Live broadcast for the nanny community called Ask The Nanny. She also started a local monthly Sunday Social for nannies which has expanded throughout the United States. Angela serves as the Director of Nanny Services for the US Nanny Association, is a member of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, a member of Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association. Angela travels throughout the United States and Canada doing motivational speaking engagements, interviews, and professional development workshops. She also owns and operates The Third Parent Academy.