When you’re stressed out about something that is supposed to be fun, it can definitely put a damper on the day for you and your charges alike. Here are some ways to prepare yourself for a big day with the kids to make sure things go as smoothly as possible.
Read More"Decorating does not have to be a Pinterest competition." Here are some simple, yet beautiful ways to decorate sugar cookies this season.
Read MoreLove it or hate it, it can be difficult to adjust to the weather change, so here are a few tips to make the drop in temperature a little easier on you and your charges alike.
Read MoreThe holidays are here and gift-giving season is upon us. As you are making your shopping list, should you add your Nanny Family to it? The kids, naturally, but what about the family as a whole, including MomBoss and DadBoss? What are the rules and etiquette for this type of situation? Read on to find out...
Read MoreBefore you accept any offers to start work, you should carefully evaluate whether or not the family interviewing you is one you will realistically be able to work for without losing your mind. Sometimes you just KNOW when a family is not the right fit for you, but it's easy to second-guess yourself. Here are 10 signs that will tell you NOT to accept that job!
Read MoreNo doubt that "dirt" dessert was a favorite of yours as a kid! Now, bring this delicious tried and true recipe to share with your charges. Yum!
Read MoreBy learning gratitude, children will become sensitive to the feelings of others and develop compassion. Read on for how we, as nannies, can model compassion and gratitude for our charges.
Read MoreMmm fries! You've heard of French Fries and the even healthier Sweet Potato Fries, but have you ever heard of PUMPKIN fries?! Yes, they are a thing and they are DELICIOUS!
Read MoreYes, all of those falling leaves can be a real nuisance. The raking never seems to end! But you have to admit, they really are beautiful. Instead of raking them all up, set some aside and read on for 25 ideas for what you can do with them instead!
Read MoreWould you work for a family that had guns in their home? Is this a question you would even think to ask? Read on for one nanny's experience with the issue and how to approach it, should you be in the same situation.
Read MoreThe Day of the Dead is a more traditional part of Mexican heritage, a holiday for celebrating the memory of the family members and friends who have passed away. Help your charges explore other cultures. Here's how...
Read More"You explain to the parents why the child wasn’t watching television in the first place, but they end up appeasing the child while you are still on the clock." What do you do when you feel like your authority is being undermined by the parents?
Read MoreHalloween isn't all fun and candy and costumes. We know that it can be quite scary for some children. Here's how to remove the "fright" from "Fright Night" and make it a holiday for all to enjoy.
Read MoreObamaCare. Also known as The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Also known as The Healthcare Law. Also known as The Affordable Care Act. Also known as The Heath Care Reform Law. I'm confused already!!
Read MoreIf you ever cared for multiple children at once, of various ages, you know it can get trying at time to find activities to include EVERYONE, no matter the age. Read on for some ideas on how to keep ALL of those kiddos entertained!
Read MoreYou didn't think we'd stop at just one, did you? Kids are way too funny, so read on for our second installment of kidisms sent in by nannies like you!
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