Posts tagged child
Why is it Easier to be Kinder to Another Person’s Child?

Sometimes, nannies who are also mothers find themselves being nicer and more lenient towards their Nanny Kids, and less so to their own children. Kimberley Roberts Benakovich, a nanny and a mother, writes about this anomaly that she experienced. Can you relate?

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Pros and Cons of Hiring a Nanny Mom

If you are a family who is considering doing a nanny share, but you don’t want to have to deal with another set of parents regularly or would rather not have a strange child in your home, a Nanny Mom may be exactly what you are looking for! There are some potential drawbacks to hiring a Nanny Mom that a family will have to consider during the hiring process. Kimberley Roberts Benakovich gathers some first-hand accounts from parents who have hired Nanny Moms to help guide you along your way to making this decision.

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Bringing your Child to Work with you: A Guide for Nanny Moms

One of the benefits of being a nanny is the possibility of being able to bring your own child with you one day. This can prevent many challenges for both nanny moms and the parents of your charges, and it certainly doesn't work for everyone. Here's an inside look into the world of Nanny Moms, with first-hand accounts from Nanny Moms themselves, weighing the good and the bad and everything in between!

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Book Review: Think & Play the Social Scouts Way: Firefighter Leo to the Rescue!

Los Angeles speech language pathologists, Heather Marenda-Miller and Amy Wilhelm bring us a new idea for story-telling with our littles. Seeing first-hand how increased social time is impacting children’s speech and social development, Wilhelm and Marenda-Miller created therapy groups named “Social Scouts” where they teach children how to play, helping them to use their words to communicate ideas with others, and helping to enhance their social skills while inspiring creativity and imagination (from the official press release).

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Does Bilingualism Contribute to Memory Capacity?

More people and children tend to speak two or more languages. People travel more, explore different cultures and countries, work overseas, and establish multicultural families more often. As a result, more children are exposed to different languages from an early age by their parents, family, and caregivers. Do your charges speak more than one language fluently? Read on for some interesting factoids about the memory capacity of their little brains to remember so much!

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